37 | 800-503-3433 • daywireless.com/motorola/wave-ptx/ Add-On Features WAVE PTX Wi-Fi Backup Stay connected over Wi-Fi even when out of radio coverage area Expand your MOTOTRBO digital radio system, or enable a new one, with a cost-effective option for overcoming radio signal barriers — such as in basements, older construction, or buildings in low-lying areas—that can prevent communication. Expand your MOTOTRBO digital radio system, or enable a new one, with a cost-effective option for overcoming radio signal barriers — such as in basements, older construction, or buildings in low-lying areas—that can prevent communication. Expand your MOTOTRBO digital radio system, or enable a new one, with a cost-effective option for overcoming radio signal barriers that can prevent communication. With the Wi-Fi Backup feature, powered by MSI’s WAVE group communications service, your team members can stay connected using your existing Wi-Fi network when their radio is out of its coverage range. WAVE PTX Wi-Fi Backup enables Motorola Solutions MOTOTRBO radios to be programmed to switch between radio mode and WAVE PTX mode to connect to the internet via your WiFi network.